Common Misconceptions
There many common trappings that organizations either believe or assume that can have a series consequences. A misstep in any of these areas can result in a domino effect of problems. Fortunately many can be easily avoided if they are spotted from the correct perspective and remedied in a way that is beneficial to many.
Silver Bullet
Your business is an ever changing environment. No one tool has ever been able to solve all of your problems - Salesforce is no different. Salesforce can streamline and join systems, expedite processes, and reduce redundancy, but it takes hard work. It is common for companies to believe that identifying, vetting, negotiating, and signing on the dotted line for a premier CRM toolset was the single biggest accomplishment. It wasn't. The purchase of a powerful CRM like Salesforce was likely the right choice, but the path to make revenue generating processes faster/better/stronger at your organization is deceptively challenging.
Keep The Old And The New
Older legacy systems can hobble Salesforce ecosystem success stories. In particular, competing systems demanding to be fed with redundant data will hinder progress. Bitxia can help you assess your legacy systems and come up with a path to establish connectivity to your CRM or develop a ‘set-in-stone sunset plan’ for them.
Executive Adoption
Frequently executives/leaders do not either trust or welcome new ways of doing things. They did not need new technology to get to where they are and thus often do not completely support any new effort. This results in duplicative efforts usually in the ways of information gathering and reporting. The consequence is more work for support staff and a decrease in moral.
Common Goals, Sensible Strategy And The Strength To Say "No"
This issue can plague both new and existing instances of Salesforce. This issue usually shows itself in the administration of an organization’s CRM as well as governance (or lack thereof). If the administrator/developer team has to operate the systems as well as build new features and support the platform, they will quickly be caught in the crossfire of two technology spaces. The first is keeping the system stable and sound, the second is keeping the company divisions happy by making customizations.
Rewards vs Consequences
“What's in it for me?” is a motivator for many individuals. Employees need to be incentivized to use your CRM system; they need to see that their contributions to the platform impact the organization. Leaders need to make decisions by reading reports and forecasts, others need to participate in some fashion. Without consequences for non-compliance then many systems will ultimately fail. Additionally, a well run system could also have benefits for those that do comply and be good corporate citizens.
More Clicks, Not More Code
Salesforce is highly dynamic and allows for an enormous amount of flexibility within its framework. A common mistake is to use developers and custom code to accomplish a function that Salesforce is capable to natively perform. This is frequently is the wrong choice due to an "old school" way of thinking that may cause problems with upgrading, finding support talent and suboptimal adoption.